Health Update


“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that  the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” —James 1:2-4 ESV

Church family,

It is hard to summarize all that has happened in the last couple months for myself and my family. Much has taken place, tears have been shed, questions have been asked, joy has been sought. The Lord has been kind in many ways, yet He has not answered all our questions and prayers in the exact manner we hoped.

In the months of October and November, I had been feeling quite a bit of pain in my neck and the back of my head. Multiple trips to the chiropractor, changes in diet, massages, and anything else we could think of was to no avail. Finally, on November 24th, I suffered a 2-minute seizure. Thankfully, Bailey was with me when it happened and sprung into action. Minutes later, an ambulance arrived at our home to take me to the emergency room. The seizure would leave me in the ICU for the next week.

After a multitude of tests, the doctors found that I suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) and chronic kidney disease. In fact, it was blood pressure in the 220’s that caused the seizure. But the combination between kidney disease and elevated blood pressure was scarring my kidneys to the point where it seemed there would be no other option apart from a transplant.

However, it was at this point we decided to take a month to plead with the Lord to heal my body. From December to the beginning of January we prayed and fasted fervently. We asked many of you to pray for us. It’s hard to count the number of people that let us know they had been pleading with God on my behalf. We prayed confidently, and we prayed expectantly for healing.

I went to a doctor’s appointment on January 14th with a tempered expectation that the Lord was going to answer those prayers for supernatural healing. I expected the doctor to burst in the room and tell me he was sure the test results were off somehow because the scarring and disease were non-existent. I expected our response to be one of elation and awe, barely being able to explain the miracle that had just taken place.

Instead, my doctor revealed that my kidney function had unfortunately decreased over the last month and that a transplant was not only inevitable, but needed to happen as quickly as possible. It seemed as if God not only said no to our prayers, but didn’t even listen. It appeared, on the surface, as if He had abandoned us.

Yet, family, He has graciously revealed nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, it is true, the Lord did not supernaturally heal my illness. Yes, it is true that we are beginning a path toward a transplant that is scary and unknown. Yes, it is true that our faith in Him acting in a supernatural way in the moment was not answered how we thought He would answer. Yes, it is true that as I write this, my kidney function remains at 16%. Yes, it is true that these days, pain and discomfort are far more familiar to me than health and ease.

Suffering builds a faith and reliance on the Lord that nothing else in our world can match.

But James reminds us not to be surprised or confused when we meet trials in our lives. Remarkably, James calls us not only to endure suffering, but to also find joy in suffering. For it is in these moments that the Lord uniquely works in our lives and in our faith. Suffering builds a faith and reliance on the Lord that nothing else in our world can match.

A pastor once reminded me that we have a Savior who suffered greatly on our behalf. In our moments of suffering, we experience the heart of Jesus in a way that we are unable in the normalcy of life. I have found this to be very true, especially in this last season of suffering.

A child knowing he is in the safety of his Father’s care offers great security. The one who feels his poverty and weakness is the most appreciative of the hand that supplies his need. A sufferer experiences the sovereignty of God not as a doctrine to fight over but the very ground on which he walks. These are truths the Lord has allowed me to experience over the past couple months. And my prayer is that my faith is proven true in this trial, and that steadfastness abounds in the depths of my soul.

With all of that being said, the next steps in my journey are substantial. We are beginning the process with UNMC to be approved for a transplant. We are seeking out potential kidney donors that are willing to be tested to see if they are a match. And by God’s grace and provision, we prayerfully hope that a match would be found in the coming months and that a transplant could take place by the end of the year.

As we continue to navigate this journey, would you please continue to pray for us? Pray that a kidney donor would be a successful match. Pray that our souls would continue to find hope and rest through this process. Pray for my wife and kids that they would also be able to endure this challenging season. Pray for our church as this season unfolds. And pray that in all this, the Lord would receive honor and praise through my life.

Providence, I love you all deeply. Your generosity, care, and love have been incredibly evident over the last couple months. I am enormously blessed to be able to serve you all as your pastor, and I pray that this season does not hinder me from serving you for years to come. Please reach out with any questions, please keep us in your prayers, and please keep your eyes fixed on Jesus through every circumstance.


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