

The gospel is the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This good news is not just a belief system—it is the real power of God (Rom 1:16) that brings victory over sin. Through Jesus’ victory, we are brought back into a right relationship with God and live with His presence inside of us. When we embrace the gospel, it transforms every part of our lives—our worldviews, our desires, our relationships, and our eternity!


We are constantly being shaped by our surroundings and our practices. The unique call of a disciple is one of being formed, or transformed, to look more like Jesus (Rom 12:1-2). While we know transformation comes through the power and presence of God, we are active participants in our spiritual lives. Through our personal spiritual disciplines, our community life, and our worship gatherings, we are “co-working” with God to be developed and transformed into Christ’s likeness.


The unifying power of the gospel creates a new community of people. This community is to function as our new family where we care for each other and lay our lives down for the good of each other. There are no favorites and no outcasts because everyone comes into the family by the grace of Jesus. The gospel-centered community is ordinary in the way it meets the tangible needs of everyday life, but it is also supernatural in that it is only possible through the power of Jesus.


Woven into the fabric of the gospel is the idea of being sent. Jesus was “sent” from Heaven to Earth with the mission to declare and demonstrate the good news—the gospel. Now, as Jesus followers, we also have been sent into a broken world. We declare the gospel with our words, telling people about the true hope found in Jesus. We demonstrate the good news by loving our neighbor and caring for the vulnerable.